And We’re Back!
That’s the first half-term of the new academic year done! We hope everyone has settled into the new academic year. We’ve so much to celebrate already. Sporting achievements, big news for our LGBTQ+ group and we can’t forget our amazing Open Evening for Year 6 students and their parents, showing everyone why Ryburn is the place to help students shape a future they want to see.
Banner Artwork: Year 10 self portraits.
Shaping the future at Open Evening
It’s the main event of the first half-term. Our school Open Evening for year 6 students and their parents. Our chance to show off our wonderful school and the staff and students that make up this exciting community.
This year we went with the theme ‘Future Me’ in our presentation, utilising AI to envision what Ryburn and its students could look like in the future. The presentation was hosted by student presenters and guests also heard from two current Year 7 students and one of our Head Students. Our students were so brave to speak in front of large audiences throughout the night, and we’re proud that they were so enthusiastic to share their experiences at Ryburn with you. Finally, the presentation was rounded up by two first-timers at our Open Evenings; our new Executive Headteacher Mr Hewitt, and our new Head of School Mrs Watkins. I think all of those in attendance will agree that they gave brilliant speeches that encompassed the values that we hold and the enthusiasm we have to see young people succeed and create the future they want to live in.
Our staff went all out in departments showing off their subjects in creative ways. Robots, flame tests, models, food, a world bake-off, cut-outs of historical figures, and the Twits even paid a visit to the Drama department. Thank you to the students who volunteered to be subject leaders in departments and display your passion for learning. We also can’t forget about the 200+ student tour guides who volunteered to show guests around the school and make them feel welcome.

If you’ve not seen it already, our Head Student, Grace, was going around the event, speaking to guests and staff for our Feedback Shack. It was great to capture so much enthusiasm from the evening and get advice for Year 6 students joining our Ryburn community in September.
proud of our pride
There were lots of smiles and celebrations in our LGBTQ+ Society as the group has been nominated to receive the Young Community Champion Award, which is part of the Calderdale Community Spirit Award.
These hard-working and inspiring students have been recognised for making positive contributions to the community. We are very proud and wish them the very best of luck.
Ryburn Sixth Open Evening Save the date
Tuesday 14 November, 6 - 8pm is our Ryburn Sixth Open Evening for Year 11 students, so be sure to save the date. Ryburn Sixth is a world where students’ futures take centre stage. We offer smaller classes, exceptional results, and personalized learning tailored just for them. Whether students dream of exploring the cosmos, saving the planet, or shaping the future, Ryburn Sixth has the perfect courses. Our outstanding support empowers them to succeed.
Like and follow our Ryburn Sixth Facebook page to stay up-to-date on the incredible adventure.
sporting Success
It’s great to have our sports clubs back up and running again and we’re already seeing some amazing achievements from our students.
Our Year 8 Netball Team are continuing their season undefeated after an astounding 13-0 win against Halifax High. Such excellent teamwork and coordination.
Ryburn U14 played in the prelim rounds of the West Yorkshire Cup. After narrowly missing out to North Halifax in their first game 2-1 they went on to a fantastic win 6-0 v Lightcliffe Academy. The girls worked extremely hard and fought brilliantly in both games with a number of girls playing in new positions. Well played team!
Be sure to follow our PE Department Facebook page for all the latest match reports and fixtures.
be extra… curricular
Our latest extracurricular timetable is available for you to view here. We have a large variety of clubs available so there is something for everyone. Extracurricular activities are a great way to try new things and make new friends.
The timetable is subject to change and we update it throughout the academic year, so keep an eye on the webpage.
The possibilities of what you can achieve are endless, so click below and see what sparks your interest.
careers week
We want to say a big thank you to our guests who came in and inspired our students for Careers Week.
Gemma Redford came and spoke very passionately about the amazing work done by Forget Me Not Children's Hospice and how a career in the charity sector can be incredibly fulfilling. Gemma also advised students on what employers look for on CVs and talked about the benefits of volunteering to get experience.
Matt Whitely from LLS spoke to our Year 11 students about careers in sports. They have a range of courses that cover coaching and even physiotherapy. Their students have opportunities to study abroad too. Matt also gave Year 11 top tips on what employers look for, such as problem-solving, knowledge of the field they want to enter, and teamwork skills.
Drop Down Days
Our Year 8 Drop Down Day coincided with Restart a Heart Day. Students were taught CPR by several volunteers from the Air Ambulance, Fire Service and St Johns Ambulance. They also got to look at the heart up close by observing a dissection performed by our excellent Science department. Students took part in resilience challenges - learning circus skills from a professional circus performer and taking on a STEM challenge set by our fabulous Maths department. The remaining sessions were designed to test and develop teamwork in the Commando Joe’s army circuit session and a ‘Charity Champion’ competition, linking to our status as a Rights Respecting School.
We were even visited by the Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire who observed some of the CPR sessions, commending the paramedics, staff, and students for taking part in such an important initiative.
Year 7 students took part in a variety of activities during their drop-down day. They tested their teamwork in Commando Joe's army circuit. Developed their problem-solving skills with puzzle sessions and trying to build the tallest tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows in the STEM challenge. Learned new ways to communicate with introductory sign language. Listened to inspirational stories of people raising money for charity and had a go at writing their own. Finally, they tried their hands at West African-style drumming, which was very loud but our students have a great sense of rhythm.
Wonderful Wicked Wednesday
Our Spooktacular staff and students looked fantastic in their costumes for Wicked Wednesday today. We've seen pirates, witches, clowns, aliens, bananas and a bear you couldn't miss! Through the fundraising of this event, we have managed to raise over £100 for CP Teens. Thank you to everyone who dressed up and got involved.
Ryburn Nature Photographer 2023
Our Ryburn Nature Photographer Competition has now been launched for 2023. We are looking for photos of nature, landscapes, seasons, weather, animals (but not pet photography). We want to see images that nurture a love of nature and celebrate the beauty of our natural world.
Submit a maximum of four photos onto your designated slide in Google Classroom, put your name on the slide and make sure you keep copies of your photo on your device.
The winning image will be used on next year’s planners and displayed in reception.
The deadline for submission is Friday 10 November. For any questions, please speak to Ms Hughes. We look forward to seeing all of your submissions.
Harry Potter Book Day
Our magical Library Team organised a fantastic lunchtime event for Harry Potter Book Day. Students got to take part in a quiz and make their own Hogwarts House bookmarks. What a great idea! As you can see, everyone enjoyed themselves.
Ryburn alumni we want you!
If you studied at Ryburn then we would love to hear from you and find out what you are doing now. We want to start showcasing more of what our students have gone on to achieve following their time at Ryburn and post regular features. Get in touch at
Upcoming Dates:
W/C Monday 6 September: GCSE November Resits.
Tuesday 14 November: Ryburn Sixth Open Evening.
Tuesday 14 November: Year 10 Option Block A Drop Down Day.
Thursday 23 November: Year 10 Option Block B Drop Down Day.
Friday 24 November: Staff Training Day.
W/C Monday 27 November: Year 11 Mocks.
Wednesday 29 November: Year 10 Option Block C Drop Down Day.
Friday 1 December: Year 11 Ryburn Sixth Taster Lessons Application Deadline.
Friday 8 December: Year 10 Option Block D Drop Down Day.
Monday 11 December: Year 7 - 11 Flu Immunisations.
Friday 15 December: Community Lunch.
Monday 18 December: Carol Service.
Monday 18 December: Years 7 - 11 Flu Immunisations.
Monday 18 December: Year 11 Drop Down Day.
Wednesday 20 December: Ryburn Sixth Presentation Evening.
Friday 22 December: School Closes for Christmas Break.
Are our emergency contact details and medical records up to date for your child?
If you have any feedback or suggestions for this newsletter, please feel free to email
You can also keep an eye on our social media channels for more frequent updates and stories.