School’s Out For Summer
We’ve come to the end of another academic year. What a lovely last term it’s been, with lots to reminisce about. Memories and friends were made at our annual Year 7 Camp. Our Acting Academy’s hard work and effort paid off and they put on a wonderful performance of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ at the Viaduct Theatre in Halifax. We’ve welcomed our soon-to-be Year 7 students and their families into the school for Transition Evening and given them a taste of Ryburn life with Transition Day. That’s just a fraction of what’s been happening in school so carry on reading for the full scoop.
Banner Artwork: Ryburn Art and photography students
Academy Awards
The biggest event of the school year. Academy Awards. Back once again, we celebrated the fantastic achievements of our students across all of our departments. Staff, special guests, and families were invited to attend to celebrate with us and the atmosphere in the Victoria Theatre was electric. Thank you to everyone who attended for making the evening so special. Thank you to the hard-working staff members who brought the event together. Finally well done to all of our award winners, for being shining examples of the Ryburn spirit.
Memories made at Year 7 Camp
Our Year 7 Camping trip has been back in full swing. Students spent a few days taking part in exciting team-building activities, obstacle courses, archery, and lots more. In the evenings they all came together around campfires for marshmallows and a sing-a-long. Let’s not forget the Wacky Wednesday competition that saw our staff dressed up in some incredible costumes!
We’re so glad to be able to offer this opportunity to our Year 7 students. It’s a great way to relax with all of their new friends and wind down their first year at Ryburn.
The importance of being earnest
Ryburn Acting Academy was outstanding in The Importance of Being Earnest at the Viaduct Theatre on Wednesday. Students really captured the characters' wit and humour, delivering an unforgettable performance despite being in an unfamiliar environment. A huge thank you to the students for their dedication and to Mr Butterfield for working tirelessly to help students reach their full potential.

A Terrific Transition
It was fantastic getting to meet so many of our soon-to-be Year 7 students and their families at our Transition Evening. They all heard from staff and students what life is like at Ryburn and got to meet our wonderful new Head of School, Mrs Watkins. Students got to meet their friendly form tutors ahead of September. Finally, there was a real buzz in the canteen with people exploring all our stalls, discovering the opportunities available to Ryburn students, and sampling some of the delicious new food that we will be serving from September.
We also enjoyed welcoming Year 6 students back on Transition Day where they spent time getting to know their classmates and forming fast friendships. They also got to sample what some of their lessons would be like when they join us in September.
sporting Success
Our under-13s and under-15s cricket teams have been achieving really great results this season. This is fantastic as there are members from both teams that have had little experience playing cricket. So to show up and perform to a really high standard represents the determination of our sporting stars and we can’t wait to see how they’ll continue to achieve. Well done everyone.
We’ve also been seeing great determination form our rounders teams. Our Year 9 team showed fantastic talent in both fielding and batting as they achieved second place in the Calderdale Rounders Tournament. The Calderdale U13s Rounders Tournament was the first time some of our Year 7 and 8 pupils had ever competed and once again talents shone through. We’re proud of all of our sporting teams and it’s wonderful to see newcomers to competitions grow there confidence.
Eco Group Games
Mr Jefferson’s Eco Group put together a really fun pop-up arcade morning where they played games they made themselves out of recyclable materials. They really do know how to turn trash into treasure. If you’re interested in joining the Eco Group be sure to speak to Mr Jefferson in September to find out more.
Vocational Skills Celebrations
Our Vocational Skills students have achieved a lot this year so to celebrate their successes they put together their own coffee morning inviting guests and staff. We also saw the grand opening of the beautiful brand-new pergola in the garden which was made possible through generous donations. Finally, we said an emotional goodbye to some of our students but we are wishing them all the best in their adventures beyond Ryburn Sixth.
Points mean… rewards trips
Students across the school who had earnt enough rewards points were treated to a trip to Electric Bowl in Halifax. Everyone had a great time having games of bowling, pool and having a go in the arcade. Students work hard and it’s important to recognize that. Keep up the good work everybody!
Goodbye and good luck year 13
We once again say farewell to our Year 13 students and wish them all the best in wherever their journeys take them beyond Ryburn Sixth. They had a leavers brunch and got to celebrate at prom where everyone looked fantastic.

It’s been an absolute pleasure having you all with us and we want to say good luck with your results. Do come back and visit us.
The fix by ryburn sixth
If you don’t already know, we decided to start a podcast in Ryburn Sixth. The idea behind it is that it is a podcast hosted by students, for students. We have a few episodes out already and plan to grow the show more next year. Listen to our episodes here, or wherever you get your podcasts. Let us know what you think and what topics students might want to hear about next year.
Ryburn alumni we want you!
If you studied at Ryburn then we would love to hear from you and find out what you are doing now. We want to start showcasing more of what our students have gone on to achieve following their time at Ryburn and post regular features. Get in touch at
Upcoming Dates:
Monday 4 September: Staff Training Day
Tuesday 5 September: School opens to years 7, 11, 12 and 13
Wednesday 6 September: School opens to years 8, 9 and 10
Friday 13 October: Staff training day
Friday 27 October: School closes for half term.
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