Our team of Governors are dedicated volunteers whose range of skills and experiences support and challenge Ryburn to be as good as we can be.



Effective governance makes good schools great. As part of Together Learning Trust, the trust board is accountable for our school, and committed to ensuring that every member of staff can flourish and every child receives excellent education and care. They work closely with school leaders, local governing committees and school communities. Collaboration and accountability is hard wired into our structure - find out more on the Together Learning Trust website.

Who's who

Ryburn’s Local Governing Committee includes a mixture of staff, parents, local authority and co-opted members who bring a range of skills to the table. The full governing body meets four times per year.

What do governors do?

School governing bodies - also known as Local Governing Committees or LGCs - are committed to ensuring their school does the best possible job for the children and advocate for the school.

Governors know their school in depth, monitoring and evaluating performance and engaging with the school community. They ensure excellence in:

  • The curriculum

  • Student and staff welfare and wellbeing

  • Parental engagement and feedback

  • Health and safety

  • Safeguarding

They promote and support the trust’s vision and values and report to the trustees confirming effective development plans are in place.

Governors form a link between the school community and the trustees, holding both the school and the trust to account.

Individual governors may have a specific area of responsibility such as Safeguarding, known as a ‘link governor’. School staff and parents are represented on the governing body, elected by their peers.

In order to do this, governors need to gain knowledge of how their school operates through training, by attending meetings, and by getting to know their school community, for example through a small number of visits to the school during the school day.

If you'd like to know more about the role of school governors in general, or if you are interested in becoming one, visit the Together Learning Trust for more information.