"I am a great believer in luck, and find the harder I work, the more I have of it." - Thomas Jefferson
Exam season is on its way. Here’s lots of resources to help you work smart. Good luck!

Exam Stress and Anxiety
Whilst some stress is normal and can actually help you focus on your exams, sometimes anxiety can get overwhelming and become a big problem. Don't ignore it! There's steps you can take to help yourself, or to support your child.
Check out our guides for help.

Got a mobile, tablet or desktop? Watch or download podcasts and take them anywhere and improve your grades today.
Ryburn offers gcsepod because it's such a great tool for independent learning and revision, helping you get organised and tailored to your exams. Students have been provided with a log in to access our school subscription.

revision timetable Template
The best way to maximise your learning and to reduce feelings of stress is to get organised. Use this template to create a revision timetable to plan your time studying at home. Remember to include breaks and time to relax.
Further resources and useful links
Here are some links to further resources which you might find useful.
Download our PDF Revision Guide for 2018-19, including hints and tips for students and parents, and an extensive list of websites specifically for each subject.
Designed as a five year programme to give the time to cover key concepts in depth. Structured with the flexibility to support and challenge all students.
Login using Microsoft365 and your school email address and password. Videos and interactive questions to practice. Your teacher might set homework on here.
Great revision and test materials for all subjects. Also available is the Bitesize app.
Lots of revision materials across a wide range of subjects, and a useful revision timetable tool. You can filter by exam board to ensure you don't waste time on the wrong things.
Aiming for booklets for example, if you are aiming for grade 5, there is a booklet of specific topics you can work on.
Revision Mats - Mixed questions on a particular maths area.
5 a day - Daily 5 questions
Topic Revision - Videos, worksheets and answers to work through
Searching for specific topics can find useful revision materials - but beware of falling down a rabbit hole!
Online educational publisher, covering Business, Economics, History, Geography, Law, Politics, H&SC, Sociology & Psychology
We are not responsible for the content of external sites.