That’s the first term of the new academic year done! We’ve so much to celebrate; sporting achievements, big news for our LGBTQ+ group and we can’t forget all of our festive events and activities.
Banner Artwork: Layla M, YEAR 8
Dear Parents and Carers,
As we conclude the first term and approach the festive break, I would like to take a moment to recognise our students for their dedication to our values and for consistently striving to be the best they can be. It has been a pleasure meeting with many of you during parents’ evening or enjoying the various events together.
It has been an incredible first term for me in my new post as Head of School at Ryburn. Every day, along with many other leaders, I am privileged to say good morning to all of our students as they enter our building. This is my favourite part of the day - from the hundreds of smiles to the very few sighs! The cold faces, coming into the warm environment on such cold and dark mornings, always sharing stories and events of the day before, is just a wonderful experience and really gives me a sense of belonging. What a pleasure it is to welcome your children into our learning environment, where they have proved themselves to be hard working young people who strive to be the best version of themselves. Thank you for entrusting them into our care. We look forward to the future together.
In this jam-packed newsletter, our spotlight shines on our students who continue to impress with their independence and confidence. From the wonderful Open Evening to the heartwarming Carol service and the festive Christmas concert, incredible sporting events and Team wins, we’ve been treated to remarkable talents. The warmth of our community was evident during the delightful Community Lunch last week, bringing us together, once again to display the talents of our students.
Your partnership with the school is invaluable, and I appreciate the collaborative effort in nurturing the growth and development of our students. Ryburn is a special place, where we work as a team to ensure everyone’s experience of school is a positive and happy one. If you ever need us, please do get in touch.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a restful break. Enjoy the news!

Messages from our heads of year
It’s been an incredible year so far, and we have so much to celebrate. This term, our Heads of Year have focused on Inspiring Ryburn and Character Champions.
Inspiring Ryburn is how we celebrate students who are striving to succeed in all kinds of exciting ways outside of school, from budding scientists and to ice hockey stars. We love to hear what our students are up to, if your child is thriving in their life outside of Ryburn, let us know!
Character Champions are our students who quietly make school a better place to be for all students. Through acts of kindness, inclusion, respect and community. It could be helping year 7 students find their way, or raising money for charity.
I would like to extend my thanks for your ongoing support of your child’s transition into Ryburn. The year group have made an excellent start, taking advantage of all of the opportunities provided to them, making new friends and settling in well. Despite the usual worries, they now all know their way confidently around the school.
Character Champions
Logan Pounder has been congratulated by staff for his kindness and politeness, he has helped other students settle in and always has a smile and positive approach to everything he does.
Rileyjacob has worked so hard on our Christmas Hamper competition, using lots of his own time and resources at home. I am really impressed with his enthusiasm for student council in general, but in particular this project.’ Wonderful words for a fantastic student.
Inspiring Ryburn
Well done to Skyla Handley who competed in the World Karate Federation U14 Youth League in Venice.
Caiden Mellor has been selected for the English Ice Hockey Association – huge congratulations!
Sebastian Doyle has been selected for the Regional Freestyle BMX Academy, we’re so proud of you.
Year 7, you have done yourselves, and me, proud this term. I’m expecting more great things from you in the new year.
~ Mrs Lowe
Students have made great strides already and I am sure we will progress and grow throughout the year, working together and continuing to embed our school values.
Character Champions
Gracie Payne is incredibly driven. She became a student ambassador this year, she has really embraced the role and contributed to the life of the school. She is also part of the Ryburn Dance Academy and has performed at numerous events including the Christmas Community Lunch and end of term celebration assemblies. Well done Gracie.
Happy Christmas to you all, you’ve deserved a good break Year 8!
~ Mr Schofield
I have been so pleased at how well Year 9 has returned to school this year. We have seen a massive improvement in the maturity of our students, they are growing into successful, hardworking and proud young people.
Character Champion
Joshua Meredith consistently demonstrates kindness, as seen in his compassionate interactions with peers and willingness to lend a helping hand. His commitment to honesty is evident in how he interacts with students and teachers alike. He is an asset to Ryburn and is truly a Character Champion.
Inspiring Ryburn
Morgan was part of an England team that won gold at the World Championships in Dundee.
Scarlett Raithby is set to showcase her theatrical skills by starring in a professional Pantomime at the Lawrence Batley Theatre in December.
Have a wonderful Christmas and be ready for great things in 2024 Year 9!
~ Mr Bashir
What a great start to the year for Year 10, they have settled back into life at Ryburn and are actively supporting each other as they progress through the term.
Year 10 sports teams continue to inspire us, and our Drop Down Days have given us opportunities to develop and grow outside of our normal routines.
Character Champions
Aiden Ashworth has to be Year 10’s Character Champion this term. He always has a smile on his face, and makes sure to say hello to students and staff alike around school. He is a good friend and is always first to offer support if needed. Keep up the good work Aiden!
Inspiring Ryburn
Riley Clarke-Foulds has represented his Karate club in Belgium and Mexico in international competitions. Amazing achievement Riley!
So proud to have you as my year group. Merry Christmas Year 10!
~ Mr Bradley
We are so proud of our Year 11 students, they have shown incredible resilience and character this term. As our students prepare for their final few months at Ryburn, it is truly inspiring to see the well–rounded and mature individuals they have become. In the new year they will be making big decisions about their futures, and we will be giving them all of the support and guidance they need to ensure that they know the options available to them.
Attendance for our revision sessions and breakfast clubs were at an all time high, with over a hundred students giving themselves the time every day to thrive.
Character Champions
Coco Hasling is kind and welcoming to all students and has a bright and bubbly energy that makes everyone feel comfortable.
Thomas Elwell has a fantastic work ethic and resilience. He endeavours to be the best he can be each day and is a great role model for his peers.
Inspiring Ryburn
Grace Willis and Emelia Helliwell were our esteemed hosts for Ryburn Community Lunch, giving us a festive chat-show style afternoon for members of the Ryburn Community and our feeder primary schools. Their wit, charm, and stage presence won over the crowd and we can’t wait to see what they achieve next. This pair isn’t new to taking centre stage, with Emeila being last year’s host of Ryburn Academy Awards and Grace a key vocalist for Strings n Things.
Keep up the good work Year 11, see you in the new year!
~ Miss Platt
Ryburn Sixth students have been incredibly busy preparing for their exams, but they have still found time to be an inspiring presence to everyone.
Here’s what they’ve been up to…We had record numbers of students helping out at both our Open Evening with a staggering 90 student helpers for our Sixth form event. That's nearly half of Ryburn Sixth! They welcomed parents and students on the door, acted as tour guides, presented in the main theatre and were student subject leaders in various different departments.
Ryburn Sixth ‘Mental Health Mentors’ was launched this term, for peer on peer support.
You find more about Ryburn Sixth in the main section of the newsletter.
What we’ve been up to this term
This term has been busy with all kinds of exciting events and activities, from extra curricular excellence to special guests and festive feasts.
There have been a host of festive activities this year, raising money for charity with Year 7’s festive hampers and stunning performances from our drama, dance and music departments.
Our music and dance department has hosted some wonderful events this week, starting with our Christmas Extravaganza; an evening of Christmas songs and dance performances. Our Christmas Carol Service at St Bartholomew's is one of the most festive events of the year, which sees students and staff come together to read verses and sing Christmas Carols. Yesterday, we enjoyed a Christmas collaboration with The Brooksbank School at Morrisons supermarket, raising money for The Mayor of Calderdale Charity Appeal. We certainly brightened everyone’s last minute shopping trip!
Our Community Lunch is our favourite event of the year. We invite our primary schools and members of the local community to join us for a chat show style afternoon; with songs, dance and drama performances and to top it off a delicious Christmas dinner!
Mr Baxendale has worked with drama students in Year 7 to create the pantomime ‘A Christmas Carol’ which toured around local feeder primary schools.
We had some amazing entries for our Year 7 Hamper Competition this year, and it was so difficult to choose one winner, so we selected two! The winners of the competition were 7.1 and 7.2.
Year 8 had a Christmas tree decorating competition, which they dressed during form time. We had some wonderful entries, with the winning entry being 8.9.
Our lucky Year 7 students were visited by The Riot Act, a theatre company who deliver powerful and engaging productions about important issues affecting young people. This production was centred around Road Safety, highlighting the importance of recognising and understanding how peer influence affects our choices and behaviour, and how to deal with it.
Our Year 7 and 8 students were visited by Active Partnership for a two-way interactive “Question Time” style event. Business volunteers from the bus sector asked students about bus usage, apps, tickets, anti-social behaviour, and what would encourage them to travel by bus.
Officers talked to all year groups about issues that affect young people today; including bullying, cybercrime and sexting.
Year 9 students enjoyed getting creative with West Yorkshire Print Workshop. The workshop provided an immersive exploration into the world of printmaking, offering the students a hands-on opportunity to engage with various artistic techniques. Under the guidance of skilled professionals, the students discovered the intricate process of printmaking, from designing their prints to operating printing presses.
Our Year 10 Business and Enterprise students were delighted to meet Jenny from Just Jenny's Farmhouse Ice Cream. They talked about business, recognising opportunities and how to decide which new flavours will be popular. They also got to taste-test ice cream!
Well done to Mr Duffy and the Charity Committee for their incredible work for Children in Need. We raised a whopping £2,178, our highest fundraiser to date!
Our Senior Students organised Wicked Wednesday to raise money for young people with cerebral palsy. Students were asked to dress to impress for Halloween and they paid £1 to enter our fancy dress competition. We raised over £100!
The Ryburn Sixth Charity committee ran PJ day for sixth form where students and staff had to pay a pound to wear their comfy pyjamas in school. Sixth formers also linked with lower school charity leaders to assist in running events such as ROAR and a Children in Need bake sale.
LBTQ+ committee win 'Young Champions of Calderdale Spirit Awards' This is for their outstanding contributions to the school and local community.
Ryburn Sixth students have pioneered the first Pride week in school, run talents contests which celebrate identity and have been a part of making important contributions to the IGEN programme in school. They aim to make further links with other local schools so that they can continue raise awareness around inclusivity and equality.
Pride of Ryburn, our Ryburn Sixth presentation evening was a huge success and a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our students. Thank you to Paul Blakey who was our guest speaker for the evening, and our fabulous hosts Max Tupper and Miss Swindell.
A small cohort of students had the opportunity to visit Huddersfield University as part of the Green Futures Project, which is a year-long project to teach students about ‘Green Careers’ and the diverse opportunities that exist in sustainability and the environment.
Next year's school production is The Addams Family which will be performed in February. Our actors from all year groups have been rehearsing tirelessly to get into their characters. Tickets will be available in the new year.
Ryburn Dance Academy and Ryburn Development Squad have been performing all week for the Christmas shows, including our Christmas Extravaganza and the Community Lunch. Their talent is truly remarkable, often choreographing their own routines and supporting each other to improve in their art.
Mr Grimes would like to give a shout out to his dedicated lunchtime music group. Commitment, enthusiasm and consistency are the keys to making great musicians.
12 Days of Attendance was a huge success. We know that dark mornings and miserable weather doesn’t make coming into school easy for some students, but it is so important to keep up the momentum of arriving on time and being ready to learn all year. We will be continuing our push for good attendance into the new year.
Year 10 Boys football team are West Yorkshire football Champions winning 7-2 v Lightcliffe at Shelley. Brady Bottomley was the stand out, scoring three goals.
Year 9 Girls football team are West Yorkshire Champions for the second year in a row! Well done girls!
Upcoming Dates:
Monday 8 January 2024: Teacher Training Day
Tuesday 9 January 2024: Students return to school
Thursday 11 January: Year 11 Parents Evening
Tuesday 30 January: Year 12 Parents Evening
Wednesday 31 January - Friday 2 February 2024: School Production - The Addams Family
Wednesday 7 February: Year 8 Parents Evening
Wednesday 21 - Thursday 22 February: Ambassador Residential
Monday 26 February: Year 9 Options Evening
If you have any feedback or suggestions for this newsletter, please feel free to email
You can also keep an eye on our social media channels for more frequent updates and stories.