SEND welcome video transcript

My name is Jo Holmes and I am very pleased to be able to introduce myself as the Additional Needs and Nurture Manager at Ryburn. I really believe that all children should feel safe, happy and supported so they can achieve the very best they can.

Feeling confident to begin your journey at Ryburn is the starting point to thriving here. I organise an extended transition programme to ensure all students make the best start.

We work very closely with primary schools to identify who would benefit from a little extra support. All those with EHCP plans, along with those who are more vulnerable, or who are anxious about moving to secondary school can take part.

The programme includes visiting you in your primary school and inviting you to a series of fun transition sessions at Ryburn, where you’ll get to try out activities such as Wellbeing, Art, Music, dance, PE, History, gardening team work and resilience to name a few. You also get to know lots of people here, including teachers, support staff, and other students. By the time you start in September, you’ll be well prepared, confident, and really excited about starting at Ryburn. 

You can read more about the extended transition programme on our website, along with information on our SEND Department.

Every child deserves the best opportunities to thrive. We’re here to make sure they can achieve their potential. At Ryburn everyone matters and every dream counts.