That’s the first half-term of the new academic year done! We hope everyone has settled into the new academic year. We’ve so much to celebrate already. Read on to find out about all the amazing things taking place in our school.
End of Year Newsletter
We’ve come to the end of another academic year. What a lovely last term it’s been, with lots to reminisce about. Memories and friends were made at our annual Year 7 Camp. Our Acting Academy’s hard work and effort paid off and they put on a wonderful performance of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ at the Viaduct Theatre in Halifax. We’ve welcomed our soon-to-be Year 7 students and their families into the school for Transition Evening and given them a taste of Ryburn life with Transition Day. And we can’t forget our amazing Academy Awards!
Staying Safe Online This Summer
National Online Safety has released a new guide for students and their parents/carers. With the Summer holidays fast approaching, there will definitely be moments when students want to spend some of their downtime online. However, it’s important that they do so safely, and that’s where National Online Safety comes in.