Crickets, Careers and Fabulous Choreography.
We’ve reached the end of another term, and as we head into the Easter break, we want to give you a rundown of all the excitement over the past few weeks. Staff faced trials and tribulations during Ryburn Roulette, but the students enjoyed themselves and we raised lots of money for Comic relief. Our Careers Fair grew bigger this year and we were able to open it up to other year groups. And we were finally able to hold our Dance and Gym show in person again. Carry on reading for all of the goings on around the school.
Banner Artwork: Year 9 portraits
Ryburn Roulette
Mr Duffy did a fantastic job putting together and hosting ‘Ryburn Roulette’ for Comic Relief. Brave members of staff took on a series of challenges including bugs, beans, building blocks and lots more. Everyone did brilliantly and the students really enjoyed the show. It was a great way to bring people together and raise money for a good cause.

All the Fun of the careers fair
This half-term we put together a Careers Fair for students to explore their post-16 options alternative to sixth form, and this year it was bigger and better than ever.
We had at least 20 stalls with guests from a range of companies giving students advice and pathways into their respective fields. The fair was mainly for Year 11, but we also opened the fair up to other year groups to get insight into opportunities available after GCSE.
Click here to access the full news post and a video of the day.
Dance and Gym Show
We were so happy to be able to host our first live Dance and Gym show since the pandemic and the students were excited to take to the stage. The show was titled ‘Re: Covered’ and our amazingly talented dance and gymnastics teams performed choreographed routines to covers of well-known songs.
The energy was high on both nights. Audiences loved the shows and our students performed so well and really put their all into every number. Some brave staff even had their moment in the spotlight performing a dance number at the end with lots of enthusiasm and smiles all around.

We are the champions
On Thursday 30 March, our Year 9 Rugby League team competed in the Yorkshire Cup Final against Outwood Freeston and were victorious winning 28-16 and earning the title of Yorkshire Champions! The team displayed a strong performance throughout the game. Click here for the full match report and don’t forget to follow our RVHS PE Department Facebook page.
Careers Week 2023
Students were spoken to in assemblies by some exciting guests for Careers Week. We had mental health professionals, former rugby players an officer from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue and our very own Alumni, Paige Clayton, who runs her own social media marketing agency.
Thank you very much to our guests for coming in and inspiring our students. You can check out their videos and more on our Careers Role Models page.
children’s mental health week
The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week was ‘Let’s Connect.’ With this in mind, students got to take part in introductory sign-language sessions. A fantastic skill for students to learn that will be beneficial for connecting with others. Thank you Tracy-Lee for running these sessions with students.
Year 9 Options
Year 9 have had their taster day to help them decide their GCSE options. Students took part in sessions for a range of subjects available to study in Years 10 and 11. We hope you are all feeling a lot more confident in your choices for Options.
World Book Day
We love world book day here at Ryburn. It’s a brilliant way to celebrate the books that we all love. And the staff really go the extra mile. This year students were met at the entrance by an array of fantastic fictional characters which put a lot of smiles on a lot of faces. Well done to all the staff who took part your costumes this year were excellent.

Year 7! Apply to be an ambassador
Year 7 students! Do you have what it takes to inspire students? Have you taken a proactive role in the student council, sports clubs, events or other school activities? Do you want to develop skills in leadership, teamwork and public speaking? If so then you should definitely apply to be one of our fantastic Student Ambassadors. Click here to fill out the application form. The deadline to apply is Friday 21 April 2023. We will be recruiting from other year groups at a later date.
Ryburn alumni we want you!
If you studied at Ryburn then we would love to hear from you and find out what you are doing now. We want to start showcasing more of what our students have gone on to achieve following their time at Ryburn and post regular features. Get in touch at
Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday 18 April: Year 10 Study Skills
Friday 21 April: Ambassador application deadline for Year 7
Wednesday 26 April: Year 12 Higher Education Evening
Monday 1 May: May Bank Holiday
W/C Monday 8 May: Year 12 Assessment Week
Monday 8 May: Bank Holiday
W/C Monday 15 May: Metal Health Awareness Week
Monday 15 May: Year 9 DTP/Men ACWY Injections
Monday 22 May: Year 9 DTP/Men ACWY Injections
Friday 26 May: School closes for half-term
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