Our Careers Programme ensures Ryburn students have a bright future ahead of them and the confidence and aspiration to go for it.
Below is an outline of our careers work, an example of the typical programme offered during each academic year at Ryburn. Events vary from year to year, and students will be informed of specific dates and upcoming events relevant to them.
'Career' describes our journey through life, learning and work. We encourage our students to actively to develop their skills to give them the best opportunities for their future. Career development focuses on learning transferrable skills, as well as gaining knowledge and the developing the right attitude.
Career Development Institute has created a useful guide for career development for each key stage, you can find it by visiting their website below.
For Ryburn Sixth formers planning to go on to university, here’s the calendar of key dates.
Year 12 | Year 13 | |
Sept | Exploring your post-18 options | Completing UCAS applications. |
Oct | External visitors explaining university and apprenticeship routes. | |
Nov | Building CVs | UCAS applications internal deadline |
Dec | Exploring Work Experience Options | University offers begin |
Jan | Exploring specific university courses and apprenticeship opportunities. | UCAS late applications close |
Continuing to find concrete work experience opportunities. | Apprenticeship applications begin. | |
Feb | UCAS Extra opens | |
Student Finance application process begins | ||
Mar | UCAS Discover (Apprenticeship and University Fair) | Start to apply for student accommodation |
University visits begin. | Developing Post-18 finance skills | |
Apr | “Selling yourself” interview skills and developing content for personal statement | |
May | Writing personal statements. | A level examinations begin |
Jun | UCAS applications begin | Deadline for accepting university offers – The specific date will vary depending upon when students received their final university offer |
Presenting your plan for the future. | ||
Jul | Work Experience Week | A level examinations end |
Mock Interviews | ||
Aug | Examination results for External Project Qualification (EPQ), Core Maths and GCSE resits | Examination results for A level and Level 3 BTEC courses |
Clearing opens. |
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